Diving Training and Some Advice

Diving Training and Some Advice 

Today before i talk about Diving Training and some Advice would like to start with this  beautiful picture
Best picture

This sports very fun ! Scuba divers who are interested in discovering new ways to explore the underwater world, challenging themselves, or simply improving their scuba diving skills may be interested in learning about the increasingly popular sport of free diving.

some errors we must Avoided 

During the open water course, dive students are taught about the limits of their certification. Most entry level certifications limit divers to a maximum depth of 60 feet when accompanied by another open water certified diver. Unfortunately, many entry level divers exceed the limits of their certification, not understanding the dangers that they face by doing so. My opinion is that this is a weakness of the open water course, students are told not the exceed the limits of their training, but they are not always told why they shouldn't. Here are some of the reasons for the limits placed upon open water certified 

When purchasing dive gear, every diver   
will have to make an important choice when it come to fins. Should he buy full-footed fins or open-heeled fins and booties? I recommend open-heeled fins and dive booties to almost every diver,  

 The Risks of Pregnancy and Diving for women !!

woman scuba
Whether expectant women should dive is a question that affects not only female divers but also their partners, dive buddies and dive professionals. Most divers can recall from their open water training that women are encouraged to stop diving during pregnancy so be careful 

woman scuba

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